5006 Do you really want to delete the selected files?
5007 This folder does not contain any files. Do you want to delete it?
5008 This memory card seems to be empty...
5009 Cannot work with empty directories...
5010 No files found!!
5011 Please specify a valid source.
5012 Error while getting version file.
5013 Incorrect version file or file not found.
5014 cam2pc version %d.%d.%d available!!
5015 You already have the latest version of cam2pc.
5016 Image dimensions should be multiple of 8 for lossless jpeg transformations.
5017 Error during JPEG decompression.
5018 Thumbnailing images...
5019 Error while trying to run cam2pc. Please reinstall software.
5020 No EXIF metadata found.
5021 Start slideshow S
5022 Stop slideshow S
5023 Registration of shell extension failed. Please reinstall software.
5024 Unregistration of shell extension failed. Please reinstall software.
5025 Some files may be overwritten during the process. Continue?
5026 Some files are read-only and cannot be modified. Do you want cam2pc to bypass the read-only flag and process all the images? Clicking NO will only process the writable images.
5027 Are you sure you want to delete this directory and all of its contents?
5028 Browse Enter
5029 Enter new directory name
5030 Enter new filename
5031 A file with this name already exists.
5032 No image files found!
5033 The database does not need to be optimized.
5034 File size = %d bytes\nUsed = %d bytes\nUsage = %d %%\n\nDo you want to optimize the database?
5035 Are you sure you want to delete the thumbnail database?
5036 Error while getting list of files
5037 cam2pc has detected that your display is not in 32-bit (or millions of colors) mode. It is highly recommended to switch to 32-bit display for a perfect display of your images. In the Start Menu go to Settings, then Control Panels then Display. Then go to the settings tab and choose the appropriate value in the colors combo box.
5038 Caching is still enabled and the database will be recreated immediatly. Do you want to disable thumbnail caching?
5039 Error while decoding image file...
5040 An error occured while running the application
5041 Edit image(s)
5042 Play movie
5043 Stop movie Esc
5044 A pixel list already exists for this type of images. Are you sure you want to replace the existing list?
5045 Are you sure you want to delete the selected lists?
5046 Invalid coordinates.
5047 Original could not be backed up. Image %s skipped.
5048 Choose a valid parent directory.
5049 The options you have chosen yield to duplicate filenames. Do you want cam2pc to automatically avoid duplicates?
5050 Close this window
5051 Fix Dead/Hot Pixels
5052 Browse images
5053 View images in internal full-screen viewer
5054 Start slideshow immediately
5055 Open destination folder in Explorer
5056 Open first image with default viewer
5057 For a better experience, you should associate cam2pc with image files extensions. Do you want to set those assocations now?
5058 You cannot fix more than 5 images with the freeware edition of cam2pc. Please consider registering your software to fix more images.
5059 This feature is limited to 5 fixed images in the freeware edition of cam2pc.
5060 Camera
5061 Directory Creation
5062 File Renaming
5063 Browser
5064 Viewer
5065 Slideshow
5066 Wallpaper
5067 Miscellaneous
5068 Shell Integration
5069 Transfer
5070 Register
5071 Invalid serial number.
5072 Thank you for registering cam2pc!
5073 The serial number should contain exactly 32 characters.
5074 Set Read-Only attribute
5075 cam2pc did not find any dead pixels.
5076 cam2pc found %d dead pixels. Do you want to review them? (Click Cancel to discard them).
5077 Do you want to keep these dead pixels?
5078 File save failed.
5079 visit cam2pc home page
5080 get support from the forums
5081 donate and support cam2pc
5082 Language
5083 Transform images based on EXIF orientation tag
5084 More >>
5085 Less <<
5086 Resolution
5087 Make/Model
5088 Quality
5089 Count
5090 Digital Camera
5091 Multiple Directories
5092 [EXIF Metada not found]
5093 cam2pc loading...
5094 File %s already exists
5095 and has [Read-Only] attribute set
5096 . Do you want to overwrite it?
5097 Error during USB device removal.
5098 You have not yet defined an external image editor. Would you like to do it now?
5099 No USB device found.
5100 Unable to acces the mailing layer.
5101 Please specify recipients for this mail.
5102 You did not specify a subject for this mail. Do you really want to send it like this?
5103 The mail is ready. Its size is %d kilobytes. Do you confirm you want to send this mail?
5104 Preparing message attachments...
5105 Unknown
5106 Browse with cam2pc
5107 Album
5108 Mail
5109 To use the mail feature you must first setup an email account. Do you want to do this now?
5110 Unable to connect to mail server. Do you want to check your configuration now?
5111 Error while sending mail. Please retry later.
5112 Sending mail...
5113 Connecting to mail server...
5114 Disconnecting...
5115 Your file renaming mask has been updated to reflect updates in the switches.
5116 A filename cannot contain any of the following character: / \ : * ? " < > |
5117 The mask cannot be empty.
5118 Invalid padding specification
5119 The options you have chosen yield to duplicate filenames. Renaming aborted.
5120 Original filename
5121 Renamed file
5122 Filename
5123 Size
5124 Date Created
5125 Date Modified
5126 Type
5127 Dimensions
5128 Focal
5129 Exposure Time
5130 Aperture
5131 ISO
5132 Flash
5133 Exposure Bias
5134 By switching to plain text, you will lose all current formatting. Are you sure you want to do this?
5135 Bold (Ctrl+B)
5136 Italic (Ctrl+I)
5137 Underlined (Ctrl+U)
5138 Align left (Ctrl+L)
5139 Center (Ctrl+E)
5140 Align right (Ctrl+R)
5141 Change font
5142 Change text color
5143 Larger font
5144 Smaller font
5145 The preview is currently automatically displayed depending on the mode (thumbnails/details). Do you want to disable this behaviour?
5146 An error occured while updating EXIF metadata.
5147 Comment
5148 Thumbnail
5149 Yes
5150 No
5151 Image %s cannot be losslessly transformed. Do you want to perform a lossy transformation?
5152 Are you sure you want to reset all the prompts?
5153 Do not show again
5154 Do not ask again
5155 This image cannot be losslessly transformed. Do you wan to perform a lossy transformation?
5156 Editing EXIF metadata may make your images unreadable. It is recommended to test this feature on copies of your images to make sure cam2pc is compatible with your image files. Do you still want to continue?
5157 Your favorites folders
5158 Add current folder to your favorites
5159 Delete current folder from your favorites
5160 The options you have chosen yield to duplicate filenames. cam2pc will automatically rename some files to avoid those duplicates.
5161 An error occured during the final transfer. Some files were moved to a temporary directory and could not be moved to the final destination. Press OK to open this temporary directory or Cancel to delete its contents (thus loosing the images).
5162 Are you sure you want to do this: you will definitely loose the pictures that were not transfered properly?
5163 When renaming files using Exif data, cam2pc needs to download the pictures to a temporary directory and then move them to the final destination. There is a slight risk that some files are not moved and therefore stay in the temporary directory. You will be warned if this happens. Do you want to perform a copy instead of a move?
5164 You can rerun this wizard at any time by displaying the Preferences of cam2pc and click the Run Wizard button.
5165 To add images to the album, select them in the browser and press the * key. Once image has been added in the album, they can be rearranged simply by dragging them in this window.
5166 Appending images to slideshow...
5167 Your slideshow is ready. Do you want to view it now?
5168 \n\n---\nThis mail was sent using cam2pc from nabocorp.\nhttp://www.nabocorp.com
5169 <p><hr>This mail was sent using cam2pc from nabocorp.<br><a href=\"http://www.nabocorp.com\">http://www.nabocorp.com</a></p><br>
5170 White Balance
5171 No mail account detected. cam2pc only detectes Outlook and Outlook Express accounts. Maybe you use another mail client.
5172 %d object(s)
5173 %g bytes
5174 %g KB
5175 %g MB
5176 %g GB
5177 %d object(s) selected
5178 Are you sure you want to change your desktop wallpaper?
5179 Are you sure you want to reset your desktop wallpaper?
5180 Customize...
5181 JPEG Quality
5182 Automatic
5183 More Colors...
5184 Choose a directory
5185 Help file not found. Please reinstall software.
5186 To use this feature, you should add images to the album first (using the * key).
7000 Camera Detection
7001 Automatic detection of the camera type
7002 Connect your camera to your computer and make sure it is switched on. For an easier detection it is recommended to take a photo before connecting the camera (except for Canon camera owners). Press the Start button to begin the detection process.
7003 Looking for an Auto-Connect USB digital camera...
7004 Looking for a Canon digital camera...
7005 Looking for a Sierra Imaging chipset based digital camera...
7006 cam2pc has detected a digital camera on drive %c:. The make and model are: %s %s. Do you want cam2pc to use this camera?
7007 cam2pc has detected a digital camera on drive %c: but was unable to detect the make and model. Do you want cam2pc to use this camera?
7008 cam2pc has detected a digital camera on drive %c: although no image file could be found. Do you want cam2pc to use this camera?
7009 A Canon %s camera has been detected. Do you want cam2pc to use this camera?
7010 A Sierra Imaging chipset based digital camera as been detected on the %s port. Do you want cam2pc to use this camera?
7011 cam2pc has detected a %s %s digital camera on the %s port. Do you want cam2pc to use this camera?
7012 cam2pc was unable to detect your digital camera. Please make sure that it is well connected.
7013 Are you sure you want to skip the camera detection?
7014 If successful, report my camera as working to the cam2pc website (needs an active Internet connection). nabocorp guarantees that this process is completly anonymous: no personal information is transmitted, only the make and model of your camera are. DO NOT CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU ARE USING A CARD READER!
7020 Destination of downloaded pictures
7021 Define where your pictures should be downloaded to
7022 When downloading your pictures from your digital camera, cam2pc is able to create a destination directory automatically. The directory can be, for instance, created based on the date of the pictures so that your pictures are automatically organized without manual intervention.
7023 Download the photos to "My Pictures" folder without creating subfolders. This option is NOT recommended as all your pictures will be downloaded to the same folder. It will be very hard to find your images after some time.
7024 Download the photos in a subfolder of "My Pictures". This subfolder will be created based on the date of the photos and its name will ensure that all your folders are sorted chronologically.Example: %s\2003-01-18
7025 Download the photos in a subfolder of "My Pictures". This subfolder will be created based on the date of the photos and a description that you will be prompted for.Example: %s\[2003-01-18] John Birthday
7026 Select this option if you do not want set this option now and prefer to do it in the Preferences later on: there you will be able to define a completly custom mask.
7040 Picture renaming
7041 Define if pictures should be renamed and how
7042 cam2pc is also able to rename your pictures on the fly so you get a consistent filenaming. This is completly optional and generally does not need to be set.
7043 cam2pc has detected that you own a Fujifilm S602 Zoom. This camera lacks the ability to keep a continous numbering of your pictures. cam2pc, being able to rename your pictures on the fly, is able to overcome this. You can still choose an other renaming scheme below.
7044 Do not rename your pictures. Note that you can always define a custom renaming in the Preferences. cam2pc includes possibility to rename your pictures using the information contained in the Exif tags.
7045 Change the whole name of your pictures to lowercase.
7046 Change the whole name of your pictures to uppercase.
7047 Uniquely renumbers your pictures. This option might be useful if your camera is not able to continuously number your pictures or if you fear to lose the count in case of a battery failure. The pictures will be renamed DSCN0001.JPG and so on. You can tweak this naming later in the Preferences.
7048 Renames your pictures using the date and time they were taken. This allows you to uniquely rename your pictures and always be able to build a chronologically sorted set of images. If two images were shot during the same second, cam2pc will automatically add an index number.\n\nExample: 2003_03_08_17_48_52.jpg
7060 File association
7061 Associate image files with cam2pc
7062 For a better experience, you should associate cam2pc with image files. This way when you double click an image in Windows Explorer, the cam2pc fullscreen image viewer is automatically launched. You can restore the previous associations in the Preferences. Also if you uninstall cam2pc it will restore the original file associations.
20000 %1 from %2
20001 Connected to %1
20002 Resolving name: %1
20003 Resolved name to %1
20004 Connecting to %1
20005 Redirecting to %1
20006 Getting file information
20007 An error occurred parsing the url: %s
20008 An error occurred while attempting to download the file, Error:%1
20009 An error occurred connecting to the server, Error:%1
20010 Failed to receive a valid response from the server, Error:%1
20011 Failed to receive a valid HTTP response from the server, Response Code:%1
20012 An error occurred while downloading the file, Error:%1
20013 %1% of %2 Completed
20014 Retrieving the file
20015 %1 of %2
20016 %1 sec
20017 %1 min
20018 %1 min %2 sec
20019 %1 Bytes
20020 %1 KB
20022 %1 MB
20024 %1 (%2 copied)
20025 %1 Bytes/Sec
20026 %1 KB/Sec
20027 The file '%1' already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
20028 An error occured while opening the file to be downloaded, Error:%1
20029 Aborting transfer
20030 An error occurred while seeking to the end of the file to be downloaded, Error:%1
32780 Displays configuration options.\nOptions
32781 Save crop as
32782 Save lossless crop as
32795 Views current images in Fullscreen mode.\nFullscreen
32796 Display the EXIF metadata for the selected image.\nEXIF Metadata
32797 Move the selected image to a folder created based on mask settings
32799 Rotates the selected images by 90░ clockwise.\nRotate 90░ CW
32800 Rotates the selected images by 90░ counter-clockwise.\nRotate 90░ CCW
32801 Rotates the selected images by 180░.\nRotate 180░
32802 Horizontally flips the selected images.\nHorizontal Flip
32803 Vertically flips the selected images.\nVertical Flip
32804 Slideshow album.\nSlideshow
32805 Deletes the selected items.\nDelete
32810 Close the Image Browser
32812 Resize the selected images.\nResize
32813 Zoom the Image Strip in
32814 Zoom the Image Strip out
32823 Rename in series the selected images
32829 Display the properties of the selected image
32830 Rename the selected image
32838 Remove obsolete thumbnails from the thumbnail database
32839 Delete the thumbnail database
32840 Sets the selected image as the desktop wallpaper.\nSet as wallpaper
32841 Run the cam2pc Image Downloader
32842 Toggles the display of folders in the Image Strip.\nToggle Folders Display
32843 Clear the desktop wallpaper
32852 Refreshes the folder tree and the thumbnail view.\nRefresh
32854 Toggles the display of the folder tree.\nToggle Tree Display
32856 Go to this directory
32857 Go to this directory
32858 Go to this directory
32859 Go to this directory
32860 Go to this directory
32861 Go to this directory
32862 Go to this directory
32863 Go to this directory
32864 Go to this directory
32865 Go to this directory
32878 Fixes the dead pixels in the selecteded images.\nDead Pixel Removal
32881 Select all the images
32882 Select all the files and folders
32901 Toggle the display of the album.\nView album
32902 Add selected images to the album.\nAdd to album
32903 Remove selected images from album.\nRemove from Album
32904 Clear the Album\nClear Album
32905 Mail the album.\nMail
32906 Resize the album.\nResize
32907 Remove the selected images from the album.\nRemove from Album
32923 Display items by using thumbnails.\nThumbnails view
32924 Show or hide the preview area.\nPreview
32929 Renames a file.\nRename
32930 Favorites
32937 Convert selected images to another format.\nConvert
32948 Goes to the previous folder.\nBack
32949 Goes to the next folder.\nForward
32952 Goes up one level.\nUp
32955 Build a standalone slideshow from the album.\nBuild slideshow
32965 Build a Panorama.\nPanorama
57634 Copies the selected items to the clipboard. To put them in a new location, use the Paste command.\nCopy
57635 Removes the selected items and copies them to the clipboard. To put them in a new location, use the Paste command.\nCut
57637 Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.\nPaste
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
59411 Displays detailed information for each item.\nView details